The SEO Benefits of Social Media

Outsource online marketing -- The SEO Benefits of Social Media

While there are millions of internet users turning to search engines for every piece of information they need, an equal number of users visit various social media networks as part of their daily routine – whether for personal use or for business. Social media platforms are indeed a great tool to distribute information which can eventually create brand recognition for some businesses.

 More recently, social media signals has been influencing search engine optimization campaigns. The importance of social media for online businesses cannot be ignored.  This is why many website owners have focused their efforts in this undertaking – making their presence grow strong in social circles. With benefits listed below, why wouldn’t they?

  • Zero Initial Cost. For those who are on tight budget, social media marketing may be set-up for free initially. You can set up accounts with the major social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ at absolutely no cost. The only investment you have to put in is time and creativity to build the right impression.
  • Blogs. One of the easiest and best ways to start your social media campaign is through blogging. You can either set up a blog on your website or create a stand-alone blog. Blogs allow you to create content with targeted keywords for your site. People are given opportunity to interact through comments, opinions and feedbacks. And considering the enormous number of people viewing blogs each month, blog sites can really be a powerful SEO tool.
  • Faster Results than Traditional Website. With a compelling content posted in social media networks, it is possible to go viral –  thousands of visitors will visit your blog and because it is social media, friends of friends, or followers of followers can easily access the posted content.
  • Recognized by SERPs.  All blogs or contents, and profiles posted on social media networks are opportunities for search engines to notice and detect your site.
  • Video Presentations vs 500-word article. Expectedly, more people will watch a 3-minute video over reading a full page content of an article. This gives a higher probability for the company’s message to reach out to more viewers. The possibility of going viral with an interesting video clip is also present.
  • Higher Ranking. On social media platforms, a content shared by others equate to a backlink. The more quality backlinks your page has, the higher the PageRank ranking will be. This could establish your site to be an authority site. And if you have the quantity and quality of backlinks, the higher the chances of PageRank ranking.
  • Users Become Focus Groups. From the social media sites, you can learn the current trends or the main discussion points being tossed around. This information will give you an idea of what keywords you can integrate in your own posts and other SEO activities. Discussions on social media sites can help you identify the topics that will keep them engaged and interacting.
  • Customer Engagement and Involvement. A lot of people find satisfaction when they are given the opportunity to express their opinion in public about certain products and services. This kind of engagement can help SEO companies and business owners to customize their strategies according to the desires of their customers.  Surveys, contests, feedback and opinion or comment section in blogs are some of the effective ways in engaging the customers to provide you with valuable information.

Overall, marketing using social media sites is an essential part of website optimization for it is proven to bring quite a chunk of website traffic.  Success will not be achieved by merely focusing on social media marketing. It should take into account all valuable elements of SEO to run a smooth campaign and for it to be successful.


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